5 Most Common Orthopaedic Problems Suffered by Women

Men and women have different physiological characteristics and anatomies due to their distinct genetic makeup and endocrine hormone secretion. These differences can make them prone to various health problems and issues. For example, cardiovascular conditions are more prevalent in men, while orthopaedic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis are more common among women.

And even among orthopaedic problems, women suffer a higher risk of certain conditions, while men are more prone to others. So, what do women suffer from the most common orthopaedic problems? We asked a top orthopaedic surgeon in Mumbai, Dr. Chirag Patel, and his answers surprised us. Read on to know:

Most Common Orthopaedic Disorders Suffered by Women:

Osteoporosis: Lower peak bone mass, smaller bones, and rapid decline in estrogen after menopause make women more prone to osteoporosis, reducing bone density. As a result, their bones weaken, increasing their risk of fractures as they age.

Frozen Shoulder:

Women predominantly have lower upper body strength with weaker connective tissues than men. This problem is compounded by menopause, a higher risk of thyroid dysfunction, and hormonal imbalances. So women also are prone to shoulder problems, most notably frozen shoulders, shoulder impingement, and rotator cuff injuries, most after age 40.

“Female athletes of basketball and volleyball where the shoulder plays a prominent role also suffer a higher risk of a shoulder problem,” says Dr. Chirag Patel, who has treated hundreds of athletes at his joints and sports clinic in Mumbai

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

Carpal tunnel syndrome is the weakness in the hand due to the compression of the median nerve that runs along the forearm through the wrist. It causes pain, weakness, and numbness and prevents from performing daily tasks (say typing).

Women tend to retain more fluid than men due to hormonal fluctuations and a higher incidence of thyroid. This fluid retention tends to compress the wrist’s median nerve, resulting in this syndrome.

Rheumatoid Arthritis:

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes joint pain and inflammation. Compared to men, women are more predisposed to acquire this condition due to their genetic makeup and physiology. The risk is even greater for women with a family history of autoimmune disorders.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury:

No other orthopaedic disorder shows as much gender bias as ACL injury, with women suffering the highest risk of injury compared to men. Women’s knee joints are comparatively looser with a higher range of motion, which contributes to instability and leads to ACL tears. This problem is again amplified by the weird anatomical joint angle, strength imbalances, and hormonal factors, leading to a significant risk.

“Being an orthopaedic surgeon specializing in sports injuries, I have noticed that the above five are the most common orthopaedic disorders that are experienced commonly by women,” says Dr. Chirag Patel, a top orthopaedic surgeon in Mumbai.

If you are looking for more information on the above disorders or seeking treatment, then you can contact him.